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කොටි ත‍්‍රස්තවාදීන් විසින් බලහත්කාරයෙන් සිරකැර ගෙන සිටින සාමාන්‍ය වැසියන් තුන්සීයකට වැඩි පිරිසක් රෝගාතුරව මරණාසන්න තත්ත්වයකට පත්ව ඇති අතර ඔවුන් බේරාගැනීමට පුදුකුඩිඉරිප්පු ප‍්‍රදේශයට ගිය අන්තර් ජාතික රතුකුරුස සංවිධානයේ සහ එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධාන සාමාජිකයන් ත‍්‍රස්තවාදීන් විසින් ඊයේ (27) පලවා හැර ඇති බව වාර්තා වෙයි.

පලා යෑමට උත්සාහ කිරීමේදී ත‍්‍රස්තවාදීන්ගේ ප‍්‍රහාරවලට ලක්ව තුවාල ලැබූ හා මැලේරියාව, උණ හා වෙනත් රෝගවලින් බරපතළ ලෙස මේ පිරිස පීඩා විඳින බව රතුකුරුස සංවිධානය සහ එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධාන සාමාජිකයන් ආරක්‍ෂක අංශවලට වාර්තා කැර ඇත.

ඔවුන් බේරාගැනීම පිණිස එම සංවිධාන සාමාජිකයන් ඊයේ පෙරවරුවේ ගිලන් රථ 16ක් ට‍්‍රක් රථ 7ක් සමඟ පුදුකුඩිඉරිප්පු ප‍්‍රදේශයට ගොස් ඇත. රෝගීන් වවුනියාව රෝහලට ගෙනැවිත් ප‍්‍රතිකාර ලබාදීමට සියල්ල සූදානම් කැර තිබු බව යුද හමුදා මාධ්‍ය ඒකකය පවසයි.

මව්බිම නිදහස් කර ගැනීමේ සටනට තම දිවි පරදුවට තබා සටන් වැදී සිටින ආරක්ෂක අංශ සාමාජිකයින්ගේ සුභ සාධන කටයුතු සඳහා මුදල් පරිත්‍යාග කිරීමේ උත්සවයක් ඊයේ ජන 27) ආරක්ෂක අමාත්‍යාංශයේ දී පැවැත්විණි. ෂෙහාන් ද සිල්වා නම් දේශහිතෛෂියකු විසින් මෙහිදී රුපියල් 15,000 ක මුදලක් සුභ සාධන අරමුදලට පරිත්‍යාග කිරීම සිදු විය.

එල්ටීටීඊ නායක වෙල්‍රපීල්ලේ ප්‍රභාකරන් සැගව සිටියා යයි සැක කරන විදුලි සෝපානයක් සහිත භූගත බංකරයක් සහිත ගොඩනැගිල්ලක් මුලතිව් විෂ්වමඩු කැලෑ ප්‍රදේෂයෙන් යුද හමුදාව විසින් ඊයේ දින සොයාගත් බව ජාතික ආරක්ෂාව පිළිබද මාධ්‍ය මධ්‍යස්ථානය පැවසීය.

ආර්. ඒ මුරැගාදොස් විසින් අධ්‍යක්ෂණය කල මෙම හින්දි (බොලිවුඩ්) චිත්‍රපටය නිකුත් වූ දින (දෙසැම්බර් 25) සිට දින 23 ක් ගතවනවිටදිම වාර්තා පිට වාර්තා පිහිටුවමින් තිරගතවේ. අමීර් ඛාන් රගන "ගජිනි" චිත්‍රපටය සදහා වැය වූ වියදම ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් 9,000,000 ක් වන අතර අපේක්ෂිත ආදායම ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් 69,000,000 ක් වනු ඇතැයි ද, සදහන්. මෙම හින්දි චිත්‍රපටය, චන්ද්‍රසේකරන් නැමැති දමිල අධ්‍යක්ෂක වරයාගේ දමිල "ගජිනි" චිත්‍රපටය මුල් කරගෙන නිෂ්පාදනය කර ඇත. මෙහි සංගීත අධ්‍යක්ෂණයද විශිෂ්ටතමයෙකු වන ඒ.ආර් රාහ්මන් මහතාගෙනි. මෙම චිත්‍රපටය පැය 3 සහ විනාඩි 21 කින් සමන්විත වන අතර අති විශාල ප්‍රේක්ශක ප්‍රතිචාර ද ලැබෙමින් පවතින බව බෙදාහරින්නන් පවසයි.

මුලතිව් උතුරැ මුහුදේදී අද අලුයම යුද හමුදාව විසින් එල්ල කල ප්‍රහාරයකින් එල්ටීටීඊ මරාගෙන මැරෙන බෝට්ටුවක් විනාශ වු බව නාවික හමුදා ප්‍රකාෂක කමාන්ඩර් ඩි. කේ. පි. දසනායක මහතා පැවසිය.

සිංහල භාෂාවෙන් මෙම අඩවිය පවත්වාගෙන යාමට, බොහෝ දෙනාගේ ඉල්ලීම මත ගත් තීරණය තවත් කිහිප දෙනෙකුගේ විවෙචනයට භාජණය විය. ඒ අනුව අප විසින් ගත්තා වූ එම තීරණය ගැන අපට නැවතත් සිතීමට සිදුව ඇත. එබැවින් කරැණාකර මෙම කාරණය ගැන ‍ඔබෙ තීරණයද දැන ගන්නට කැමැත්තෙමු. එබැවින් ඔබගේ වටිනා කාලයෙන් විනාඩියක පමණ කාලයක් ගෙන අප වෙත ඔබේ වටිනා අදහස් එවන මෙන් අප කණ්ඩායම ඔබෙන් කාරැණිකව ඉල්ලා සිටිමු

කාසියේ වාසිය දිනාගත් ඉන්දීය කණ්ඩායම, පන්දු යැවීමට තීරණය කල අතර ඒ අනුව පන්දුවට පහරදීමට පැමිණි ශ්‍රී ලංකා කණ්ඩායමෙ ආරමිභක පිතිකරැ සමිබන්ධතාවයද ලකුණු 0 ක් වීම අවාසනාවන්ත කාරණයක් විය. නමුත් සනත් ජයසූරියගේ විශිෂ්ට ශතකය නිසාවෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකා කණ්ඩායමට යමි ස්ථාවර මට්ටමකට එන්නට හැකියාව ලැබින. අවසානයේදී පන්දු වාර 50 අවසානයේදී ලකුණු 246 ක් ලබාගත් අතර, ලකුණු 247 ක ඉලක්කයක් කරා පිටියට පැමිණි ඉන්දීය කණ්ඩායම, පන්දු වාර 48.1 කදී කඩුලු 4 ක් පමණක් දැවී සිය ඉලක්කය සපුරා ලන්නට සමත් විය.

රිවිර පුවත්පත් ආයතනය තම ඥාතියෙකුට අයත් බවත්, එම ආයතනය පොලිසියට, හෝ හමුදාවකට හානි වන අයුරකින් ක්‍රියා නොකල අතර , උපාලි සමරකෝන් මහතා ස්වාධීන පුවත්පත් මාධ්‍ය වෙිදියෙක් බවත් , ඔහුට කල පහරදීම තමාට කල පහර දීමක් හා සමාන යයිද ජනාධිපති තුමා ඊයේ අරලියගහ මන්දිරයේ පැවති කතෘවරැන් හමුවෙදී කියා සිටියේය.

2009 වසර මැතිවරණ වර්ෂයක් යයි කියු කියමන තහවුරැ කරමින් මධ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍්‍යම හා වයඹ පලාත් සභා මැතිවරණ පෙබරවාරි මස 14 වැනිදා පවත්වද්දී , අද දින මධ්‍යම රාත්‍රියේදී ඉතිරිව තිබූ පලාත් සභා 3 ද විසුරැවා හැරීමට රජය තීරණය කර ඇත. ඒ අනුව දකුණු , බස්නාහිර හා උ‍ව පලාත් සභා අද රාත්‍රියේදී විසුරැවනු ඇත.

fldá ixúOdkhg yÈis m%ydrhla t,a, lrñka ;dka;slkavd,a l,mqj Tiafia hqo yuqodj wo uq,;sõ k.rhg we;=¿ jQ nj;a ¨;skka l¾k,a chka; .=Kr;akf.a kdhl;ajfhka hq;a 593 n<> ì%f.aäh¾ kkao Wvj;a;f.a kdhl;ajfhka 59 jeks fiakdxlfha fin¿ o ¨;skka l¾k,a pñkao '''

LankaNewZ අඩවිය සිංහල භාෂාවෙන් පල කරන්න යන ඉල්ලීම, ඔබ අතුරින් බොහෝ දෙනෙකු විසින් කල ඉල්ලීමකි. එම ඉල්ලීමි වලට සාවදානව අවධානය යොමු කල අප කණ්ඩායම මෙ‍ම පුවත් එකතුව සිංහල භාෂාවෙන් ගෙන ඒමට කටයුතු සූදානමි කරමින් සිටී. ඔබ‍ලාගේ ඉල්ලීම අනුව අප විසින් ගනු ලැබූ මෙම තීරනය පිළිබද‍ව ඔබෙ අදහස් අප ‍වෙත යොමු කරන්න.

Sri Lanka Army 59 Division soldiers lead by Brigadier Nandana Udawatta have entered the LTTE's main garrison town Mullaittivu this evening (Jan 25).

According to the battlefield sources, troops of 593 Brigade lead by Lieutenant Colonel Jayantha Gunarathne have made a surprise attack across the Nanthikandal lagoon and entered the Mullaittivu town area this morning. Infantrymen of 7 Gemunu Watch (7 GW) lead by Lieutenant Colonel Chaminda Lamahewa have been in first to enter the town amid heavy terror resistance, the sources said.

The Mullaittivu town is situated in a narrow stretch of a land between Nanthikandal lagoon and the Indian Ocean. The town fell to the terrorists in 1996 and since then LTTE established its main military base there.

Once mop up operation completed the area will be declared liberated, the sources said.

It was over before the thousands of fans at the Gaddafi Stadium could blink. Sri Lanka inflicted one of the biggest annihilations in one-day internationals and trampled over Pakistan to post a 234-run win and take the series 2-1. It was the hosts' largest margin of defeat in ODIs: they were dismissed for 75 in reply to Sri Lanka's 309.

Sri Lanka's struggles against weak sides in recent months seemed a distant memory after the rout. The victory brought back memories of the time their bowlers dismantled India for 54 at Sharjah in 2000, after the batsmen had posted 299. They were not favourites to win this series, primarily due to an out-of-form top order, but the batsmen collectively shrugged off their poor form. Tillakaratne Dilshan set it up with a mature 137, Jayasuriya contributed 45, and Sangakkara made 50.

However, it was the speed at which the new-ball attack scythed through Pakistan that startled. Nuwan Kulasekara and Thilan Thushara used swing and seam movement to make up for the lack of express-pace and proved too difficult to handle for Pakistan's batsmen. Six Pakistan wickets fell before the tenth over, putting an end to the contest.

The conditions were predicted to favour the fast bowlers at the start of play but they got deadlier when Sri Lanka began bowling under lights. Thushara struck in the second over, trapping make-shift opener Younis Khan lbw, before Kulasekara found Salman Butt's edge to hand him a first-ball duck. It got worse for Pakistan when Kamran Akmal was caught in front by a Thushara delivery which cut in, skidded, and hit him low on the pads. The inspired bowling was backed up by superb fielding: Farveez Maharoof pulled off a blinder at short wicket, intercepting a full-blooded pull from Khurram Manzoor.

Even Misbah-ul-Haq had no answers to a delivery from Thushara and he edged to the wicketkeeper. Shahid Afridi fell four balls later, shouldering arms to a delivery that jagged back and had his off-stump flattened. Sections of the crowd that had cheered his entrance moments before began to leave.

Umar Gul walked in and began to time the ball through the gaps on the off side like a genuine batsman while Shoaib Malik stood helpless at the other end. Pakistan were 22 for 6 with no hope of recovery. The spinners wrapped up the tail and Muttiah Muralitharan picked up the final wicket, bowling Sohail Khan, to become the second bowler after Wasim Akram to take 500 ODI wickets. Pakistan's total of 75 was their lowest at home.

Students displaced from LTTE controlled areas arriving in Vauniya on Saturday were able to sit the G.C.E. (O/L) mathematics paper which was held for the second time following complaints about the paper. Here a part of the students seen sitting the exam held at a centre in Vavuniya

CHENNAI: Putting further pressure on the UPA government on the Sri Lanka issue, chief minister M. Karunanidhi on Friday said he was making a 'final request' to the Centre to ensure an immediate ceasefire in the Island nation, the Times of India’s online website said today. The news item further said: "I hope the Government would take necessary and immediate action to ensure a ceasefire in Sri Lanka," Karunanidhi said during a special call attention motion in the state Assembly. Otherwise, the DMK would be forced to convene its general council and take "appropriate decision," he warned. Perceived as a veiled threat to the Congress-led UPA government of which his party is an important constituent, Karunanidhi’s statement in the assembly comes in the wake of a multi-pronged attack launched by Congress allies in Tamil Nadu for its inaction on the Lankan issue.

Editor of the Rivira newspaper, Upali Tennakoon was assaulted and stabbed near Imbulgoda while he was travelling to work in his car this morning, police said. His vehicle also has been damaged in the attack carried out by unidentified men who had come on motorcycles. Mr. Tennakoon had received injuries on his face. His wife who was travelling with him also was slightly injuired in the attack.

Sri Lanka levelled the series 1-1 with a crushing win, thanks to a convincing all-round performance in Karachi. Tillakaratne Dilshan hit a sparkling half-century to take Sri Lanka to a strong total, before Nuwan Kulasekara and Muttiah Muralitharan shot out the hosts cheaply. Salman Butt and Shoaib Malik resisted with a 108-run partnership, but Muralitharan removed Malik to trigger a stunning collapse.

Sri Lanka were much more disciplined today. Though they contrived to lose pole position time and again, someone did put up their hand up to help them tide over the various mini-crises. The attacking Dilshan made good for Sanath Jayasuriya's hit-wicket dismissal and Kumar Sangakkara's suicidal run-out. And after Dilshan's exit, Thilina Kandamby - who replaced Jehan Mubarak from the XI in the first ODI - took charge of the run-making, allowing out-of-form captain Mahela Jayawardene to find his bearing.

Two persons including a doctor attached to the Puttalam general hospital were admitted to the National Hospital, Colombo after sustaining severe injuries following a motorbike accident in Puttalam town last night. Two motor bikes collided and both the riders including Dr. S.M.Nishantha of the Puttalam hospital were severely injured. A shooting also took place in Pulithawasal, Puttalam where an estate superintendent was shot and injured by unknown gunmen. .

Mahela Jayawardena moments ago broke the record for the most number of catches in One Day International history by a non-wicketkeeper by taking 157 catches today.

The 62nd anniversary celebration of the Sinhala cinema in Sri Lanka will be held at the Cinema Hall, State Film Corporation today (21). It will be inaugurated with religious observances of all faiths at 4 p.m. the same day.
Religious ceremonies here will be conducted to bestow merits on those late artists and also on those living artistes and people who have made unique contributions to local cinema in the past and present. Sinhala cinema first began with the screening of 'Kadawunu Poronduwa' film on January 21, 1947. It was shown at Gaity Theatre Colombo. Several popular films are to be screened at various cinema halls islandwide to mark this event. They are free to the public on this day.

A country starved of international cricket for over six months celebrated with a comprehensive eight-wicket victory over Sri Lanka to take a 1-0 lead in the series, thanks to the efforts of Salman Butt and Khurram Manzoor, who made light work of the 220-run target. Pakistan took full advantage of a jaded Sri Lankan side still circumspect with their form after struggling against weak sides in the recent months.

Sri Lanka were outclassed particularly in the batting and the wounds are taking way too long to heal. Their relatively potent bowling attack struggled to script a turnaround for the team's fortunes as a whole and with the first breakthrough coming as late as the 38th over, it was curtains for Sri Lanka.

Pakistan's discipline, impressive for a team denied of opportunities to play as a unit in the last year, carried them through. Save for a poor start with the ball, there were no other signs of rustiness and the positive body language showed they were happy to be back and performing against stronger opposition. - Cric

2 bodies of LTTE terrorists killed during the sea confrontation with Navy, yesterday, were recovered while floating in the seas off Mullaittivu, Tuesday (Jan 20).

According to Naval media sources, an immediate search operation was launched following the fierce gun battle that erupted at around 11.30p.m., on Monday. 4 LTTE attack craft were destroyed by the naval craft on patrol, forcing terrorists to retreat with heavy damages, the sources said. A fast attack craft sustained damages when an LTTE suicide boat exploded during the intense naval gunfire assault, the sources further said.

The Government has planned to initiate an intercity bus service from Colombo to Jaffna shortly.

A spokesman for the Transport Ministry told the Daily News the Government will streamline the passenger bus service in the recaptured areas of the Northern Province with immediate effect for the benefit of commuters.

He said the Government will rehabilitate the A9 road which it had taken full control of after 23 years. The intercity bus service will commence soon after reconstruction work of the A9 road was completed," he noted.

"We have planned to operate five return journeys on the A9 road per day from Colombo to Jaffna," he said.

Meanwhile, a passenger transport service will be initiated from Vanuniya to Jaffna as well. At present, the Vavuniya depot is providing a good service by operating buses on 19 routes for the convenience of those living in these areas.

Pakistan's batsmen have been practising on shorter pitches to try and counter the threat of Ajantha Mendis in the three-match ODI series against Sri Lanka, which begins on Tuesday at the National Stadium in Karachi.

Mendis, the quickest bowler to 50 ODI wickets, has been a dominant theme in Pakistan's thinking ahead of the short series. Pakistan have come across Mendis twice, once in the Asia Cup and then in the final of the four-nation Twenty 20 in Canada. Seven wickets in 14 overs in the two games means Pakistan aren't wrong to focus heavily on him.

One man who has succeeded against him is Misbah-ul-Haq, who made 76 in a losing cause during the Asia Cup and an unbeaten 23 in the Twenty20 final. The Pakistan vice-captain took 27 runs off 24 Mendis deliveries in Karachi last year, including two sixes and a four, before he was bowled slogging. He believes a similarly aggressive approach might help dent his effectiveness.

"Sri Lankan Tamils are being used as human shields by separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)", former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa said on Saturday (Jan 17).

"In Sri Lanka what happens now, Sri Lankan Tamils captured by the LTTE cannot move anywhere. Tamils were used as shield by LTTE. If LTEE keeps them there then there will be dire situation for Sri Lanka's innocent Tamils..." the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) leader said, addressing a public rally in Chennai.

Following a meeting held at the presidential secretariat with Key Line Ministers, Governor of the North and Provincial council secretaries, Government agents, Divisional Secretaries and security officials Mr Basil Rajapakse stated that,
The Government has made all arrangements to provide relief to IDP’s those coming from Vaunia, Manner, Mulative , Kilinochchi and Jaffna districts, President’s Senior Advisor and Member of Parliament Basil Rajapakse said Saturday (17) at the Presidents Secretariat.
The Government has organized to set up Refugees welfare Centers in Menik Farm I. which has 150 acers Menik Farm II having 450 and Omanthai 150 acres respectively for IDP’s respectively .So far 778 families have been resettled and the Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Management had already taken steps to make arrangements for 30.000 families in this regard. People coming from un-cleared areas into Government controlled areas will be provided with cooked meals, dry rations, drinking water, health and sanitary facilities, electricity, cooking utensils, clothes, infant food and all other essential items. In addition they will also be provided with daily allowance of Rs 100/= for any of their miscellaneous needs.

"Sri Lankan Tamils are being used as human shields by separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)", former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa said on Saturday (Jan 17).

"In Sri Lanka what happens now, Sri Lankan Tamils captured by the LTTE cannot move anywhere. Tamils were used as shield by LTTE. If LTEE keeps them there then there will be dire situation for Sri Lanka's innocent Tamils..." the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) leader said, addressing a public rally in Chennai. - def. news

Sri Lanka Army 59 Divisions soldiers lead by Brigadier Nandana Udawatta yesterday (Jan 17) entered into the South of Puthukkudiyiruppu jungle areas. According to the battlefield reports, troops have captured a highly fortified LTTE camp and a boat manufacturing factory from the Maruthampuvel area during yesterday's (Jan 17) operations.

Infantrymen of 12 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (12 SLLI) extended their forward boundaries further towards Puthukkudiyiruppu LTTE stronghold amidst intense resistance from the terrorists. Troops following heavy clashes, found 7 bodies of male LTTE cadres along with 7 T-56 riffles with 1000 ammunition and 1 light machine gun (LMG). Troops are now consolidating their positions about 6 km south of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

Three LTTE suspects who were being held at the Anuradhapura prison have escaped early this morning, Police said. A search operation has been launched to apprehend them. - STO

Sri Lanka batsman Kumar Sangakkara believes Sri Lanka's experience of playing in finals proved decisive as they managed a narrow two-wicket win against Bangladesh in the final of the Tri-Nation Tournament. "It is tough on them [Bangladesh] especially after trying so hard," he said, "but it was not to be. I guess our experience in finals won us the game."

Having shot out Bangladesh for 152, Sri Lanka were tottering at 6 for 5 at one stage during the run-chase, but Sangakkara's gritty 59 off 133 balls, along with a cameo from Muttiah Muralitharan, proved to be crucial as Sri Lanka held on for victory.

"I just wanted to bat as long as possible and try to get as close to the target as possible," said Sangakkara. "We rarely see a collapse like that and it was unexpected because we have some of the best batsmen in the world but that's cricket and we had an off day. The key was to try and fight it out."

Sri Lanka Army 55 Division soldiers this evening (Jan 14) liberated Chundikulam, the landmass that links the Jaffna peninsula with the mainland.

According to the defence sources, Sri Lanka Army has liberated the whole Jaffna peninsula from terrorist clutches with this victory. Heroic troops of 551 Brigade (1 Gemunu Regiment, 1 Sri Lanka Light infantry and Commandos) joined in accomplishing this mission and it is observed that large number of vehicles including dozers, buses, tractors, canters and boats have been destroyed by exploding most of them by the fleeing LTTE terrorists.

Troops have found the fifth runway constructed by the LTTE, east of Iranamadu tank adjoining the old Kandy road which runs via Olumadu on Wednesday evening, the Defence Ministry said. The runway complex is 50m wide and over 1000m long and is situated in the thick jungle with a massive bunker line and a trench line around the runway complex with mine fields and booby traps, the Ministry web site said. A hanger has been found in the complex.

Over 650 civilians turned up in government controlled areas overnight in an area north of the coastal area of Chundikulam as well in the Paranthan area from the LTTE controlled areas, Military spokesman Brig Udaya Nanayakkara said Wednesday. Three hundred and thirty three civilians arrived in the Kevil area north of Chundikulam while 322 persons entered the Paranthan area, he said. The group which arrived in Kevil consisted of 100 males and 133 children. - ST news

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Airtel - The newest mobile network in Sri lanka launched their service. The network published their charges. The connection registrations started and a huge crowd registered their names to get an Airtel Sim. The Revolution in Mobile network tariffs started with the launch of this network called Airtel, visit your branch to get your sim card if you registered by filling the form. The connection will be activated on a recharge of Rs 100 and you will receive a talk-time bonus of Rs 100 within 48 hours.

India have confirmed a short series in Sri Lanka on next month comprising five ODIs and one Twenty20 game and placed renewed faith in their bilateral ties, which had hit a low during the previous administration headed by Arjuna Ranatunga.

The dates for the proposed Indian tour are yet to be finalised but N Srinivasan, the BCCI secretary, told reporters in Colombo that the series will be held during the two-week window in Sri Lanka's Pakistan tour itinerary - January 28 to February 14. Duleep Mendis, Sri Lanka Cricket's (SLC) chief executive, stated that the venues will be Dambulla and Colombo. "We are in the process of finalising the venues," Mendis said. "Most probably the Colombo venues will be the R Premadasa Stadium and the SSC."

Ministry of Vocational and Technical Training has taken steps to establish a University of Vocational Technology (UNIVOTECH) and to upgrade nine technical colleges, one from each province as Colleges of Technology (COTs), Minister of Vocational and Technical Training Piyasena Gamage said at the media conference held at the Government Information Department today (13).
These steps have been taken in order to provide,
1).Pedagogical training up to Degree level for training serving in Technical & Vocational Education Sector and industry and perhaps teachers in the proposed technology stream in the secondary school education.
2).Courses to study for middle level technical personnel with qualifications acceptable for admission to UNIVOTECH up to degree level and,
3).Courses of study for those who seek middle level National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) to upgrade their competencies.

Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says he is concerned about "systematic efforts" against Sri Lankan media, following the killing of Lasantha Wickramatunga who was an Australian permanent resident. - DM news

The sensational Sri Lankan cricket star / Great spinner "Ajantha Mendis" is now the fastest wicket taker in One-Day Internationals with 50 wickets taken in 19 matches.

Ajantha Mendis achieved this historic attainment breaking the record of Ajith Agarkar of India who took the same number of wickets in 23 matches.

Ajantha took his winning wicket against Zimbabwe in the Grameen Phone tri-nation series, played in Bangladesh on Today (12).

SLAF MI-24 helicopter gunships and fighter jets made precision air assaults at two identified LTTE gathering points located in general area Iranamadu, in support of the advancing TF-3 and 57 Division troops this morning (Jan 12).

According to Air Force Spokesperson Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara, MI-24 helicopter gunbships launched air assaults at an LTTE gathering point located 1km Southeast of the Iranamadu tank at around 8.15a.m.

A separate air strike was launched by SLAF jets at an LTTE gathering point located 2km North of the Iranamadu Tank at 9a.m.

- LankaNewZ

The lawyer appearing for the suspect arrested in connection with the Sirasa incident had told Courts today that the supposed anonymous phone call alleging that the suspect was seen loading weapons into his vehicle, was received 16 hours after the incident. - LankaNewZ (D-N)

Airtel - The newest mobile network in Sri lanka launched their service. The network still didn't publish their charges. The connection registrations started from last Monday and a huge crowd registered their names to get an Airtel Sim. The Revolution in Mobile network tariffs started with the launch of this network called Airtel, today. They launched their official web site in Sri Lanka, www.airtel.lk/ Visit your branch to get your sim card if you registered by filling the form. The connection will be activated on a recharge of Rs 100 and you will receive a talk-time bonus of Rs 100 within 48 hours.
- LankaNewZ

What is the best mobile netwok in Sri Lanka? Vote is now open... - LankaNewZ

The final thrust of the Government's military offensive to deny Tiger guerrillas any domination of territory begins next week in their remaining stronghold of Mullaitivu.

This follows the Army's re-capture on Friday of Elephant Pass, described as the gateway to the Jaffna peninsula and thus securing the entirety of the A-9 Kandy-Jaffna highway. Troops are now consolidating their positions along this highway. Thereafter, troop movements and supplies to the peninsula, now sent by sea and air, will be moved by road. The movement of civilian transport services is to follow. Troops have laid siege on Mullativu from all directions. On the north-eastern coast the Navy has placed a tight cordon, a security source told The Sunday Times. Unlike in previous thrusts, the troops are moving with great caution to avoid civilian casualties, the source added.

An estimated 400,000 or more civilians are said to be in the Mullaitivu area. Besides the indigenous population, around 250,000 are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who have fled to guerrilla controlled areas from western Wanni.

The past week has seen the Air Force stepping up attacks on guerrilla targets.

- St news

The A9 highway was declared open today at a special ceremony held in Elephant Pass with the participation of Army officers and soldiers who were part of the operation to take control of the area. However civilian movement will be allowed only later. Officers and soldiers walking down the newly cleared highway. Pix courtesy Army Media
- St news

State security forces today (10) captured the fourth LTTE runaway maintained 10 kilometers west of Mullaithivu town, said Army spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara. The Army spokesman said that the runaway was 100 meters wide and two and half kilometers in length. Two empty hangers were also recovered in close proximity.

There are buildings near the runaway and the Army believes they are LTTE control rooms. Because of the possibility of booby traps, Army was clearing the area with extra caution, said the Army spokesman.
- LankaNewZ

A MP of the Sri Jayawardhanapura Municipal Council was arrested today (09) at Maharagama in suspicion of causing destruction to Depanama transmission station of Sirasa Media Network. The police suspects that the Defender vehicle belonged to this Municipal councilor has been used for the attack. - [LeN]

Journalists and media rights activists held a protest against the killing of senior journalist and Editor in Chief of The Sunday Leader Lasantha Wickramatunga in front of the Lake House premises in Fort today. The picture shows several journalists holding placards at the protest. Pic by Berty Mendis

Troops have taken control of the Elephant Pass area and the A9 road, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said a short while ago. Addressing the nation on national television the president announced the A9 highway was now in total control of the government after 23 years. President Rajapaksa expressed his gratitude to the security forces for taking control of the area. "Today I address you at a time when our brave soldiers have achieved a special and historic vicotry. Our war heroes were able to completely liberate Elephant Pass from the clutches of the LTTE," he said.

Three Air Force personnel and four civilians died in an claymore bomb attack at Morawewa, Workers, who were employed in an irrigation development project funded by the Government in the area, were travelling in a bus & the byroad claymore was triggered targeting the civilians. Air Force personnel were providing escort to the civilians and six others also were injured in the incident, Media Center for National Security states.

Opposition Leader Ranil Wickramasinghe charges that President Mahinda Rajapakse and his government is responsible for the assassination of Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickramathunga. He said that the killing was a part of a conspiracy to paralyze the democracy and the entire civilian life of the country. The Opposition Leader made this statement addressing a joint opposition press briefing held last evening (08) to deny the assassination of the journalist and to protest the government. He says that this assassination signals that the government is eliminating all the opponents like clergy and layman politicians and trade unionists in the same way the LTTE did. Wickramasinghe said that the government had attempted to influence media to minimize the publicity for the news of the attack at Sirasa Media Network saying it was an internal work. Dallus Alahapperuma’s and other persons’ Ministries tried to prompt media not to point finger to the government regarding Sirasa attack. Wickramasinghe said that this spate of killing was commenced after President Rajapakse became the Media Minister. He added that there should be an end to this approach.

The schedule for the upcoming tour of Pakistan has been released by Sri Lanka Cricket today (Jan. 8).

According to the media release the following are the dates for the games:

January 21: 1st ODI, January 24: 2nd ODI and January 27: 3rd ODI.

February 22 to 26: 1st Test and March 2 to 6: 2nd test.

Meanwhile Brendon Kuruppu has been appointed as the manager for the tour of Pakistan by Sri Lanka Cricket.

Soldiers of Sri Lanka Army’s 55 Division have liberated Soranpattu village this evening (Jan 8), said defence sources in Jaffna peninsula. Soranpattu is situated 9 Km from Elephant Pass and 5.2 Km from Pallai town along the Jaffna- Kandy A-9 road.

According to the sources, infantrymen of 6 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (6SLLI), 7 Vijayaba Infantry Regiment (7 VIR), 4 Gemunu Watch (4 GW), and 8 VIR have entered the village after destroying terrorist hideouts in the area.

Earlier in the day, troops of Army 53 Division marching along the South of A-9 axis liberated the Pallai town.

LankaNewZ is In a Upgration Mode - So Pls Keep In Touch With The NewZ line - We Will Supply a Great Service As Soon As Possible

The Chief Editor of The Sunday Leader Lasantha Wickramatunga who was shot this morning in Attidiya, Ratmalana, passed away a short while ago, Director of the Kalubowila Hospital Dr. Anil Jaasinghe said.

The Government said yesterday that the Cabinet had taken a unanimous decision, in accordance with a memorandum submitted by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, to proscribe the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE), which continued to engage in blatant human rights violations.

At a media briefing yesterday evening which was attended by several Cabinet Ministers, Minister Maithripala Sirisena noted that the Cabinet had taken the decision as repeated requests to the aforesaid organization to eschew terrorism and participate in the democratic process had failed.

Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva on the occasion said that the LTTE continued to recruit children and women against their will, and also kept denying free movement to civilians using them as a human shield, leaving no option for the Government but to go for a ban.

Ajantha Mendis finished with seven wickets in the match, as Sri Lanka completed a series win against Bangladesh on the fourth day in Chittagong Dilshan is the Man of the Match as well as the Man of the Series. He said: "I can't forget this Test. I know I am the 4th Sri Lankan to score a hundred in each innings. I stuck to my game plan which was to attack and I won the battle."

Troops of Army 57 Division, Task Force 3 and Task Force 4 have opened up the A-34 road (Mankulam- Mullaittivu) road up to Tanniyuttu, following recent counter terrorist operations on the Mullaittivu battlefront, reveal battlefield sources.

Sri Lanka Air Force fighter jets and MI-24 helicopter gunships carried out air strikes at LTTE gatherings in the Mullaittivu area in support of advancing troops this morning (Jan 5). According to the defence sources, the air strikes were carried out between 11 Am to 12.30 PM targeting LTTE cadres withdrawing into jungle areas. The sources citing pilots confirmed that the attacks were successful.

Airtel, the newest mobile phone 3G network in Sri Lanka, on Monday announced it was launching the product on January 12. Seen here is a crowd outside the branches. Sri Lankans counted the days when will the Airtel reach them. Due to that reason, people gathered to the branches to get a connection from the time that Airtel telecasted their first advertisement through medias yesterday (05) morning. However this will the start for a great revolution in communication networks in Sri Lanka.

The Sirasa Media Station in Depanama was Attached by an Armed gang in today morning at about 02.10AM. They attached the station's control room and a Sirasa member said that they tried to enter to the Sirasa FM / Shakthi FM / Yes FM & YFM radio stations too, but they unabled to do it. LankaNewZ deplore these attaches to the media and this must be stopped.

Bharti Airtel Started their Ad compaign in Sri Lanka from today morning. Its was a great begining as calling Sri Lankans as "Hello Sri Lanka" . They have started the Sim registrations from today and anyone can order a sim card by selecting a own number. They planned to start their Network officially from 12th of January in 2009. Some said that the launch of Airtel was delayed and they got more time to reach Sri lanka, as they informed the nation that they launching their service in Sri Lanka soon, in long time ago. How ever now it is the time to enjoy the new charges and services of Airtel 3G network.

A petrol bomb was hurled into the premises of MTV/MBC Pvt Ltd in Depanama, Pannipitiya on Friday night around 9.30, Maharagama Police said. However the home made bomb had not exploded. It is not clear who was behind the attack, Police said.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa addressing the nation today said that the capture of Kilinochchi was not a victory against a particular community by another community but a victory for the entire nation. This was a victory against terrorism that threatened to divide the nation, he said. President Rajapaksa expressed his gratitude to the soldiers who made the victory possible adding that they made a lot of sacrifices for this victory. In conclusion he told the LTTE to lay down arms and surrender in the face of imminent defeat.
"A short while ago, our brave and heroic troops have fully captured Kilinohchi that was considered the main bastion of the LTTE. Our have troops have completely taken over the fortress of the LTTE that has been described by our own leaders and accepted internationally as the most powerful terrorist organization in the world," said President Mahinda Rajapaksa announcing the capture of Kilinochchi to the nation at the Presidential Secretariat this afternoon. (Jan 02).
"Whatever the words or language used to describe it, this is truly an incomparable victory. What our heroic troops have achieved is not only the capture of the great fortress of the LTTE, but a major victory in the world's battle against terrorism. The entire world must today appreciate the outstanding success of the Sri Lankan troops.," the President said. Here is the text of the Presidents announcement on the fall of Kilinochchi: Venerable Members of the Maha Sangha, Members of the clergy of all other religions, My dear friends, who represent all communities and religions in Sri Lanka. You will recall that two weeks ago I told you from this very place that the New Year that will dawn will be the Year of Heroic Victory of our troops. Today, on the second day of this heroic year, I am now ready to reveal to you the proud news of the most honourable victory in the annals of military heroism that runs through many centuries of our history. Friends, Although the leader of the LTTE had said only a few days ago that the capture of Kilinochchi was only a dream of Mahinda Rajapaksa, in truth it was not my dream alone. It was the constant dream of all Sri Lankans, whether Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim, who are opposed to separatism, racism, and terrorism, and have always, sought peace, freedom and democracy. Today our heroic troops have made that dream a reality. A short while ago, our brave and heroic troops have fully captured Kilinohchi that was considered the main bastion of the LTTE. Our have troops have completely taken over the fortress of the LTTE that has been described by our own leaders and accepted internationally as the most powerful terrorist organization in the world. Whatever the words or language used to describe it, this is truly an incomparable victory. What our heroic troops have achieved is not only the capture of the great fortress of the LTTE, but a major victory in the world's battle against terrorism. The entire world must today appreciate the outstanding success of the Sri Lankan troops. One must not belittle this victory as one that has been won by one community over another. It should not be interpreted as defeat of the North by the South. This is a victory for our entire nation and country. It is a decisive victory over savage terrorism that was playing around with the blood, muscle and sinews of humans. It is a victory over venomous separatism that sought to divide people on grounds of race and religion. There were some who tried to present Kilinochchi as the capital of a separate state. We have seen in the recent past how this was believed not only by the international media but also by those engaged in diplomacy. No more is this capital of its dream separate state the property of the LTTE. The mandate given to me by the people in the Presidential Election of 2005 was to ensure that the entire country is governed under a single legal system. It was to affirm the unity of the country that had been divided through various agreements. We directed the Armed Forces and all defence agencies to implement that mandate given by the people. Today we see those expectations becoming a reality. 2009 has already increased our faith is the success of this achievement. Friends,
Our heroic troops have sacrificed much to achieve this extraordinary victory. They sacrificed their limbs, organs and lives for this noble task. Therefore, on this victorious occasion it is but right that we remain grateful to those heroic troops who have sacrificed so much for the country. On this historic occasion, as the Head of State, I extend the honour and gratitude of the entire nation to our heroic troops. Similarly, I bestow the honour and gratitude of the entire country on the Chief of Staff, Commanders of the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Inspector General of Police, the Secretary of Defence, and all commanding officers who gave leadership to this historic victory. It is necessary to include all of the citizens of Sri Lanka as stakeholders in this great victory. History will record the manner in which you have rejected the many conspiracies that were launched to betray and prevent this victory, and assisted in this great task with true and honest love for the motherland. All of us have given the necessary leadership to this battle in our own way, fearless of the dangers to our lives. Friends, Our motherland wants you to have this commitment and patience for a short while longer. I call upon you to continue with your commitment to the country until the final act of this false Eelam struggle is played to its finish in the small territory of jungle in Mullaitivu it is confined to today, and the LTTE is fully and finally defeated. I also wish to send a message; the final message to the LTTE, to lay down their arms and surrender. The time is not very far when the people of the north who have been held hostage by the LTTE for several decades will be able to enjoy the freedom that is their right. As the Head of State of Sri Lanka I give you my pledge today, that not only shall we accept the responsibility to ensure your own security and freedom, but the future security and freedom of your children, too. Let us all be committed to build one Sri Lankan nation that stands with dignity and pride under a single flag. Let us pledge to be a single nation in an undivided country. Our collective commitment will undoubtedly rise above all obstacles and challenges that may lie ahead. May you be blessed by the Noble Triple Gem May you receive the blessings of all Deities.

The Central Bank (CB) on Wednesday assured the public that there is no risk at Seylan Bank following the crisis at Golden Key, both of which are part of Ceylinco Consolidated, headed by Lalith Kotelawala. CB Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal told reporters that their move to appoint Bank of Ceylon to manage Seylan was done in a bid to stop the imminent danger of a run on Seylan. “At the right time we managed to step in,” he said. He also said that Central Bank cannot step in with regard to Golden Key as it is not a registered company with the regulator.

The launch plans of the Sri Lankan arm of leading Indian mobile operator, Bharti Airtel Lanka (Airtel), has reportedly been delayed and will be launched in Jan 2009 as the Indian parent company “has still not granted sanction to start operations”. Airtel, rated one of the best performing companies in the world, was awarded last year the licence to provide 2G and 3G mobile services in Sri Lanka. The company announced early this year its commitment to investing approximately $200 million in setting up and expanding its operations in the country over the next five years. “Airtel was looking at launching somewhere on Dec 23, and they said that this is a tentative date as the company still has not got approval from their head office in India for the launch date,” the Sunday Times newspaper quoted a senior telecom industry official as saying. Although Airtel officials were not immediately available for comment, the telecom industry official said that the widely-expected mobile service might be launched next year. Airtel, which is the fifth mobile operator in Sri Lanka, cleared some issues with the existing operators such as Dialog, Mobitel, Tigo and Hutch on the interconnection charges last month. The media report said that the increasing “cut throat competition” amongst the existing competitors has triggered a price war in the industry and Airtel’s impending launch “has aggravated this situation”. Although the Sri Lankan market is small, it is crowded and according to latest statistics, of the total population of 20 million, six million have mobile phones. The fixed line and mobile phone penetration in Sri Lanka is relatively high as no less than 40 percent of the households, other than the war-ravaged north and east, have access to a phone.
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